Look HOW pretty!!
She took a lot of side profile pictures on purpose so you could see the knots on the side!
What's funny is that tree has been in my back yard since... well forever. And we NEVER once have taken photos there because it's not that great of a tree. And she made it look so magical! She's such a real photographer guys. She doesn't just click click click click away taking hundreds of pictures hoping a few will turn out. She waits for it. And when she sees it, she captures the memories. PLEASE go check out her amazing work and blog. Her wedding photography- for cryin' out loud. I die a little inside each time I see her brides and I wish so badly she had been around when I got married!
Next matter of business. Everyone's hair pictures! Aren't they so lovely? Seriously, I love them all so much! Keep up the good work girls, you make a girl so proud! And thank you all for such wonderful emails! Sorry there are no individual links. I didn't get many links to link the pictures up with, so I decided to just throw up the pictures. Hope that's okay :-)
I {LOVE} your comments and emails by the way. So keep them coming. In all their glory!
Here is the hairstyle video tutorial:
Here is the hairstyle video tutorial: